DA Proposals

This image, created by heritage architects, Jeff Madden & Associates of Balmain, NSW, represents part of the final integrated development application to be submitted to Sydney City Council and the Heritage Council of NSW. The primary feature of this image is the cast iron and sandstone fence.

This fence design is based upon fences attached to similar heritage properties in Sydney and is considered to be a traditional design for the period.

Update September 2019: currently The Sydney City Council will not support this part of the intended DA in their pre-DA considerations. The reasons given are 1. the partial intrusion into the public domain of an entry stair and 2. the “wall effect” on the western corner (which is partially there anyway). Therefore the new revised integrated development application (“IDA”) abandoned the fence concept.

Update December 2020: Curiously an approved DA in 1992, which has just come to attention, permitted the partial intrusion of a reconstructed entry stair into the public domain (about 450mm).

The previous DA for the removal of the east verandah infill wall was rejected by the Heritage Council of NSW and an appeal to this was lodged with the Minister. This appeal has also been rejected. Despite several requests by the applicant no reasons have been given for the rejection.

Unsuccessful appeal


2019-2021 NSW Heritage Grants – Caring for State Heritage


2021 Update: The 2019 IDA has finally reached its concluding stages. Most of the application has recently been approved but there remains a number of issues to be resolved so a return to Heritage NSW is required with a new S60 application to be submitted to help resolve the outstanding issues.

2023 Update: Still unresolved issues with Heritage NSW; work proceeding on S60 application to hopefully finalise. Fencing issues unresolved and are looking likely to be a major impediment to project completion and this includes reconstruction of the front entry stairs (see image on home page).

Update June 2024: An IDA for fencing (stage 1) on the eastern boundary has been submitted and is awaiting the completion of processing. The design is in keeping with the above image and if approved should help prevent graphitti.

An approved IDA for new toilets is still subject to Heritage NSW GTAs being resolved. This involves the demolition of the  c.1940 intrusive toilet block and reinstates the access stairway to it’s original location.